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Check out some of our recent reports and journal articles on sexual health and wellbeing! If you are having trouble accessing a publication please get in contact with us and we can send you a copy. 

Journal Articles


Rethinking Risk in Adults’ Engagement with Sexual Digital Imagery

Sexuality Research and Social Policy

Power, J., Dowsett, G., Waling, A., James, A., Moor, L., Shackleton, N., & Farrell, AM


Sex on screens: the language of sexting and amateur pornography

Culture, Health & Sexuality

James, A., Waling, A., Dowsett, G., & Power, J.


Understanding how young cisgender heterosexual men navigate sexual health conversations and practices during casual sex: a qualitative study

Sexual Health

Waling, A.


Changes in sexuality education teacher training since the release of the Australian curriculum

Sexuality Research & Social Policy

Ezer, P., Fisher, C., Jones, T., Power, J


Embarrassment, shame and reassurance: emotion and young people’s access to online sexual health information

Sexuality Research & Social Policy

Waling, A., Farrugia, A., Fraser, S


Expert stakeholders’ perspectives on how cisgender, heterosexual boys and young men navigate sex and intimacy in Australia: A case for “heterosexual intimacies” in policy and practice

Sexuality Research & Social Policy

Waling, A., James., A, Fairchild, J


Masculinity, Sex, and Dicks: New Understandings of the Phallus

Journal of Bodies, Sexualities & Masculinities

Waling, A., Power, J


Regulating tech-sex and managing image-based sexual abuse: an Australian perspective

Information & Communications Technology Law

Farrell, AM., Shackleton, N., Agnew, E., Hopkins, S., Power, J.


Traversing TechSex: Benefits and risks in digitally mediated sex and relationships

Sexual Health

Power, J., Moor, L., Anderson, J., Waling, A., James, A., Shackelton, N., Farrell, AM., Agnew, E., Dowsett, G.


‘Pay close attention to what my eyes are saying without having to spell it out’: Sex and sexual communication in #MeToo commentaries.


Waling, A.


‘The “be all and end all?’: young people, online sexual health information, science and skepticism

Qualitative Health Research

Farrugia, A., Waling, A., Pinear, K., Fraser, S.


“I’m not going anywhere near that.”: Expert stakeholder challenges in working with boys and young men regarding sex and sexual consent.

Critical Social Policy

Waling, A., James., A, Fairchild, J


Making epistemic citizens: young people and the search for reliable and credible sexual health information

Social Science & Medicine

Fraser, S., Moore, D., Waling, A., Farrugia, A


It’s nice to be appreciated’: understanding men’s engagements with sexting


Waling, A., Kerr, L., Power, J., Kehler, M., Bourne, A


Prevalence rates of sexual behaviors, condom use, and contraception among Australian heterosexual adolescents

Journal of Sexual Medicine

Fisher, C., Kauer, S., Mikolajczak, G., Ezer, P., Kerr, L., Bellamy, R., Waling, A., Lucke, J.


School-based relationship and sexuality education: What has changed since the release of the Australian curriculum

Sex Education

Ezer, P., Kerr, L., Fisher, C., Waling, A., Bellamy, R., Lucke, J.


‘It’s kinda bad, honestly’: Australian students’ experiences of relationships and sexuality education

Health Education Research

Waling, A., Bellamy, R., Ezer, P., Kerr, L., Lucke, J., Fisher, C


‘Please teach students that sex is a healthy part of growing up’: Australian students’ desires for relationships and sexuality education.

Sexuality Research & Social Policy

Waling, A., Ezer, P., Kerr, L., Bellamy, R., Lucke, J., Fisher, C


A critical discourse analysis of sexuality education in the Australian curriculum

Sex Education

Ezer, P., Jones, T., Fisher, C., Power, J


From stranger to family or something in between: donor linking in an era of retrospective access to anonymous sperm donor records in Victoria, Australia

International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family

Kelly, F., Dempsey, D., Power, J., Bourne, K., Hammarberg, K., Johnson, L

©2022 by Sexual Health Promotion and Education Research

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