External Support Services
if you need support in Australia, please reach out to one of the services listed below
Mental Health & Social Support
If this research has brought up upsetting memories or emotions, please contact the following organisations for support:
Lifeline: Crisis Support ( – Ph: 13 11 14
QLife: Counselling and mental health support ( – Ph: 1800 184 527
BeyondBlue: Mental Wellbeing ( – Ph: 1300 224 636
Men’s Line: Men’s counselling service ( – Ph: 1300 78 99 78
Women’s Information and Referral Exchange: Generalist information, support and referral service ( – Ph: 1300 134 130
Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic: Free sexual health testing and treatment ( – Ph: 03 9341 6200
Sydney Sexual Health Centre: Offers testing, treatment and management for STI’s and HVI (
NSW Sexual Health Infolink: Telephone and internet based information and referral service ( – Ph: 1800 451 624
SA Regional Counselling: Telephone and online information and counselling service-( 1300 032 186 (South Australia)
Aboriginal Counselling Services: Counselling services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people-Ph 0410 539 905 ( (All states and territories, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples)
Sexual Assault Support
In addition, if you require support for primary or secondary distresses experienced as a result of talking about or reflecting on own, or hearing or reading about accounts of sexual assault, exploitation or coercion, the following sexual assault services are available:
Victorian Centres Against Sexual Assault: provides support and intervention to women, children and men who are victim/survivors of sexual assault (
1800 Respect: national sexual assault, domestic family violence counselling service available 24/7 ( – Ph: 1800 737 732
Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria: a state-wide, after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for people who have experienced both past and recent sexual assault ( – Ph: 1800 806 292
NSW Rape Crisis Centre: a 24/7 telephone and online counselling service for anyone in NSW – men and women – who have experienced or is at risk of sexual assault and their non offending supporters ( – Ph: 1800 424 017
Crime & Cybersafety
The eSafety Commissioner ( provides information for a broad range of online safety issues including online abuse, domestic and family violence, the non-consensual distribution of intimate images, cyberbullying and wearable technology.
Intimate images:
Online abuse targeting women:
Domestic and family violence:
Wearable technology:
If you require immediate assistance call 000. If you would like to report a crime contact your local police station.